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(508) 285-8495
- Click ‘Choose File’ to upload the file(s) from your computer.
- Do not include the following special character(s) within your file name: %
- You may upload up to 10 files in one request.
- If your files total more than 850 megabytes please contact us for alternative ways to get the file.
- For best results we recommend you zip your files before uploading them.
- The file upload duration speed is dependent on your file size and your internet speed.
- If you close your browser before the files have finished uploading, they will not be sent.
- After you have completed choosing your files – click ‘Send File’ to submit your files.
- After your file has uploaded successfully, you will see a “Thank you” page.
- We accept both Mac® and PC files and can work with virtually any software.
- To ensure the highest quality output, save your images at 100 – 150ppi (points per inch) at the finished size. Pixel files are .bmp, .tif, .jpg; the preferred format is .tif
- Files for vinyl output need to contain a Vector image of your sign and/or logo. This means your text and graphics are outlined. Some programs offer an option to save or export text as vectors, curves, paths or outlines. Vector files are .ai, .pdf or .eps
- Convert all fonts to curves or paths to avoid possible font substitution. This rule goes for all types of files.
- Please embed linked images into the file, when possible.
- If you are using Adobe Photoshop, we recommend the RGB color mode for raster files. In Adobe Illustrator, we recommend the CMYK color mode for vector files.
- If you are using Quark Xpress, please save the file as a .pdf (File«Export«layout as .pdf).
- If you are using Corel Draw, please convert the fonts to curves.
- Include Pantone Colors for your files, or provide a hard copy of the approximate colors desired.
- Web site graphics are almost always unusable.
- The total size of all uploaded files should be less than 850 megabytes.
- Please do not “CLOSE” the window until after the file has been completely uploaded and you are redirected back to your center’s web page.